hahaha.. ;p.. nk trglk ak tgk msg nie..plng ak bengang ko suke dtg n bg msg mrh2 kt ak time esknye ak ad exam...mcm siot je tau x!! nsb baik ak blh fokus dlm exam r.. coz ak nk lbh berjya dri ko.. dat's my promise 2 myself!! stop r kcau privasi ak dgn tgk blog2 ak.. ak x tkut dgn ko k.. ak dh x kcau ko asl ko nk bg msg kt ak lg.. takut dgn awek ko yg howt x cukup kain 2 ke??.. ak diam2 ko plak sibuk2 k.. klau ko syg n tkut sgt ak kutuk2 gf ko 2,ko stop tgk blog ak n stop bg msg mrh2 kat ak.. pd ak,ak mmg xknl sowng pun guys nme faiz yg x de ati dan perasaan.. ak x pduli pun ko bce ap ak tulis nie.. ko nk mrh ke.. nak wat ap ke.. ada aku kisah ke??.. nope!! ak x pnh ksh lgsg coz ak x pnh kcau hidup ko dh.. ko 2 je yg x reti bhse.. ko nk wat ap pun wt r.. nk kutuk aku ke.. aku x kisah dh.. tuhan akn bls smua 2.. aku mnusia biase je.. x blh nk atur khdpn mnusia..tp ingt allah s.w.t 2 maha adil dn kaya.. die akn bls stiap ap keburukn dn kebaikn sesorg 2... so ak redha n tawakal je dgn ap yg berlaku.. ak berserah je.. dh dkt 2 bln lbh ko je yg suke bg msg kutuk n mrh2 ak.. ko d bsr tp fikiran mcm ntah pape j.. x blh fikir lgsg.. hidup nie tuhan dh atur kn.. so stop disturbing me anymore coz i really2 doesn't want 2 know,get msg from u n also hear about u.. for me u r my bed memory in my life... ak bkn bdk kecik yg x de prsaan k.. sabar aku ad batas nye jgk!! k lah my blog ak dh pnt cite psl owg gilew nie.. klau dh gile,gile gak.. my father sad to me " JGN LAYAN ORG GILEW KLAU KITE X NAK JD GILEW MCM DIE " i think dis is a good advise from my father 2 her daughter.. THANXZ ABAH.. I LURVE YOU SO MUCH DAD....
Monday, May 31, 2010
oWg GiLe mENcerOBoh PrivASi kU!!
hahaha.. ;p.. nk trglk ak tgk msg nie..plng ak bengang ko suke dtg n bg msg mrh2 kt ak time esknye ak ad exam...mcm siot je tau x!! nsb baik ak blh fokus dlm exam r.. coz ak nk lbh berjya dri ko.. dat's my promise 2 myself!! stop r kcau privasi ak dgn tgk blog2 ak.. ak x tkut dgn ko k.. ak dh x kcau ko asl ko nk bg msg kt ak lg.. takut dgn awek ko yg howt x cukup kain 2 ke??.. ak diam2 ko plak sibuk2 k.. klau ko syg n tkut sgt ak kutuk2 gf ko 2,ko stop tgk blog ak n stop bg msg mrh2 kat ak.. pd ak,ak mmg xknl sowng pun guys nme faiz yg x de ati dan perasaan.. ak x pduli pun ko bce ap ak tulis nie.. ko nk mrh ke.. nak wat ap ke.. ada aku kisah ke??.. nope!! ak x pnh ksh lgsg coz ak x pnh kcau hidup ko dh.. ko 2 je yg x reti bhse.. ko nk wat ap pun wt r.. nk kutuk aku ke.. aku x kisah dh.. tuhan akn bls smua 2.. aku mnusia biase je.. x blh nk atur khdpn mnusia..tp ingt allah s.w.t 2 maha adil dn kaya.. die akn bls stiap ap keburukn dn kebaikn sesorg 2... so ak redha n tawakal je dgn ap yg berlaku.. ak berserah je.. dh dkt 2 bln lbh ko je yg suke bg msg kutuk n mrh2 ak.. ko d bsr tp fikiran mcm ntah pape j.. x blh fikir lgsg.. hidup nie tuhan dh atur kn.. so stop disturbing me anymore coz i really2 doesn't want 2 know,get msg from u n also hear about u.. for me u r my bed memory in my life... ak bkn bdk kecik yg x de prsaan k.. sabar aku ad batas nye jgk!! k lah my blog ak dh pnt cite psl owg gilew nie.. klau dh gile,gile gak.. my father sad to me " JGN LAYAN ORG GILEW KLAU KITE X NAK JD GILEW MCM DIE " i think dis is a good advise from my father 2 her daughter.. THANXZ ABAH.. I LURVE YOU SO MUCH DAD....
Friday, May 28, 2010
sINglE liFE
Monday, May 10, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
seDIH Ke X eK???
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
AKHiRNYe AKu DIrumAh..
FINAL EXAM??? hahaha.. ni lg stu hal.. paper ak start 21,22,23,26,2 n 6 may... tapi ak tgh x de mood nk stdy nie..dh r 3 paper x de gap lgsg.. blh gilew aku...xpe2. aku yakin aku blh buat... jgn cepat mengalah sblum berjuang.... ingat ibu bapa.. konform rajin stdy nye..hahaha... ye ye je ak nie...aku kne fokus stdy n lupekn smau mslh aku.. i know i can do it...cayok..cayok.. k r dh x tau nk tulis ap lg nie... daa....
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
minggu yg membosankan...
huhu..windunye kat die... wlaupun die x lyn msg ak n die ttp dgn kptsn die ak ttp x blh lpekn die... tiap2 ari ingt kat die...huhu..dh msk sbln kowt...tp ntah r..ak x rse pun nk cri lain..ati ni x de utk owg lain pun except die sowng je... sdh nye rse..tiap2 mlm ngs tp ngs ak x dtg kn pape pun...huhu...ak pun x tau mcm mne lg nk wat die fhm yg ak trima die seadanye...ak blh trima yg die bz n bnyk kje... x de mse sgt utk ak..tp plz jgn wat keputusan mcm 2..ak dh bnyk berubh demi die...die bnyk ajar ak erti kesabaran dlm khdpn..ak syg die sgt2... smoga tuhan kuatkan semngat ak lgie utk tempoh smua nie... amin...
Monday, March 29, 2010
heLlo pRinCeSs!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I see a smiling moon
That is none but my mother
I see a sun shines
That is none but my father
Father and mother both are working
For create my life successful more
By this way they can create
A wonder of my core
For them I can see the earth
So I love them from my heart
I can not forget them for a while
Because they are my undivided part
They are friendly
They are good
My life is more attractive
Because they are my root
i have a small family..hehehe..i have a parents...3 sister..1 brother..1 brother in law..1 sister in law...and the cute nephew...my father are not working and my mum are housewife..fully housewife..hehehe..i have a beautiful sister..all my sis are very sporting..she also epy go lucky same as me...like to hang out,shopping and de bez thing is eating together..hahaha...i juz only have 1 brother..my brother is already married and he also have 1 son..muhammad danish haiqal..we all juz call danish..i really luv my nephew even danish always bully me..hehe..
-i really luv all my family so much-

joJo N abOp
DE beZ pEts IN de WoRld
-pARiS,baBy,bLacKY,CinDy,JOjo,AbOp,CikO-... AlL my FamILy LIKeS cAT..DE beZ tHINgs WIf MY cATs iS iT slEep whEn I oR my FAmiLy SwiTCh ON AIr COnd..HAhAHa.. liKe'S a PEoplE...If I tuRn oFf dE AiR ConD AlL my CATs AlSO waKe uP frOM slEep... It's SOunds LikE nonSEnSE rIGht??? buT iT is DE reAL thINg hAPPenD at My HOusE... If Ur Don't BelIEvE It...PLZz cOMe 2 My HOusE aS sOoN As PosSibLe...HehEe...
THe BEzZ mOmeNt wItF thEm

or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will
search for answers.
I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain,
nor the future with its untold stories.
But I can be there now when you need me to care.
I can't keep your feet from stumbling.
I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall.
Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine;
Yet I can share in your laughter.
Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;
I can only support you, encourage you,
and help you when you ask.
I can't prevent you from falling away from friendship,
from your values, from me.
I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you.
I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you,
But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
room to be yourself.
I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
and put them back in place.
I can't tell you who you are.
I can only love you and be your friend

Eldrick Tont Woods (born December 30, 1975), better known as Tiger Woods,is an American pROfESsiONAl gOLfER whose achievements to date rank him among the most successful golfers of all time. Currently the wOrlD no.1, he was the highest-paid professional athlete in 2008, having earned an estimated $110 million from winnings and endorsements.
Woods has won 14 professional mAjoR gOLf TOuRNamEnt, the second highest of any male player, and 71 PGA Tour events, third all time.He has more career major wins and career PGA Tour wins than any other active golfer. He is the youngest player to achieve the career Grand Slam, and the youngest and fastest to win 50 tournaments on tour. Additionally, Woods is only the second golfer, after Jack Nicklaus, to have achieved a career Grand Slam three times. Woods has won 16 World Golf Championships, and has won at least one of those events each of the 11 years they have been in existence.
Woods has held the number one position in the world rankings for the most consecutive weeks and for the greatest total number of weeks. He has been awarded PgA pLAyER oF thE yEAr a record ten times,the Byron Nelson Award for lowest adjusted scoring average a record eight times, and has the record of leading the money list in nine different seasons.
On December 11, 2009, Woods announced he would take an indefinite leave from professional golf to focus on his marriage after he admitted infidelity. His multiple infidelities were revealed by over a dozen mistresses, through many worldwide media sources. On March 16, 2010, he announced that he will be playing in the 2010 Masters.
2009: Returning to the PGA Tour
Called "one of the most anticipated returns in sports" by the Associated Press, Woods' first PGA Tour event after an eight month layoff came at the WGC-Accenture Match Play Championship. He lost to Tim Clark in the second round. His first stroke play event was the WGC-CA Championship at Doral where he finished 9th (-11). Woods won his first title of the year at the Arnold Palmer Invitational, where he was five strokes behind Sean O'Hair entering the final round. Woods shot a final round 67 and made a 16-foot birdie putt at the final hole to defeat O'Hair by one stroke. Afterwards, he would continue to perform consistently. At tHE mASteRS, he finished sixth, four strokes behind eventual winner Ángel Cabrera. Then, despite having the 18-hole lead at the Quail Hollow Championship, he finished two strokes behind Sean O'Hair. At The Players Championship, he played in the final grouping on Sunday, but finished eighth.
Woods won his second event of 2009 at the Memorial Tournament. He trailed by four shots after three rounds but shot a final round 65, which included two consecutive birdies to end the tournament. The win was Woods' fourth at the event. Woods won his third event of the 2009 season on July 5 at the AT&T National, an event hosted by Woods himself.However, for the third time going into a 2009 major, Woods failed to capitalize on his preceding win. Instead, at the 2009 Open Championship, he missed the cut for only the second time in a major championship since turning professional.
On August 2, Woods captured the Buick Open for his fourth win of the season, a three-shot victory over three other players. After firing an opening-round 71 that put him in 95th place and outside of the cutline, Woods responded with a second-round 63, nine-under par, that vaulted him into contention. A third-round 65 put him atop the leaderboard and he coasted to victory with a final-round 69 for a 20-under 268 four-round total. This was the biggest turnaround pro victory to date.
Woods won his 70th career event the following week at the WGC-Bridgestone Invitational. He went head-to-head against Pádraig Harrington on Sunday until the 16th, where Harrington made a triple bogey 8 on the par 5 and Woods made birdie. Tiger went on to win the event by 4 strokes over Harrington and Robert Allenby.
At the 2009 PGA Championship, Woods shot a 5-under 67 to take the lead after the first round. He remained leader or co-leader through the second and third rounds. Going into the final round, Woods had a 2 stroke lead at 8-under. However, at the 68th hole, Woods was overtaken for the first time atop the leaderboard by Yang Yong-eun. Yang eventually won the tournament by three strokes over Woods who finished second. It marked the first time that Woods would fail to win a major when leading or co-leading after 54 holes and the first time he had lost any tournament on American soil when leading by more than one shot.It also meant that Woods would end the year without a major for the first time since 2004.
Woods won his 71st career title at the BMW Championship. The win moved him to first place in the FedEx Cup standings going into the final playoff event. It was his fifth win at the BMW Championship (including three wins as the Western Open) and marked the fifth time he had won an event five or more times in his career on the PGA Tour.Woods finished second at The Tour Championship to win his second FedEx Cup title.
At the 2009 Presidents Cup, Woods had an impressive and equally spectacular performance in which he won all five of his matches at the event. He joined his friend Mark O'Meara, who won all five of his matches at the 1996 Presidents Cup, and Shigeki Maruyama, who accomplished this feat in the 1998 Presidents Cup.In all three instances, their respective teams won the competition. Woods was paired with Steve Stricker all four rounds of the competition in foursomes and four-ball. On the first day of foursomes, they won 6 and 4 over the team of Ryo Ishikawa and Geoff Ogilvy. In Friday's match of four-ball, they won over the team of Ángel Cabrera and Geoff Ogilvy, 5 and 3. On Saturday, they beat the team of Tim Clark and Mike Weir after trailing for most of the match by winning the 17th and 18th holes to win 1-up in morning foursomes, and in the afternoon four-ball they defeated the team of Ryo Ishikawa and Y. E. Yang by the score of 4 and 2. In the singles match, Woods was paired with his nemesis from the 2009 PGA Championship, Yang. Yang grabbed the quick 1-up lead on the first hole, but on the third hole lost the lead and Woods went onto win the match by a score of 6 and 5. In addition, Woods was the one who clinched the Cup for the United States, which was his first time ever in his career he had the honor and opportunity to do this in a team event competition.
In November 2009, Woods was paid $3.3 million to play in the JbWeRE maSTerS, held at Kingston Heath in Melbourne, Australia from November 12 to 15. The event was sold out for the first time. He went on to win at 14 under par, two strokes over Australian Greg Chalmers, marking his 38th European Tour win and his first win on the PGA Tour of Australasia.
Following allegations surrounding his private life, Woods announced a break from competitive golf at the end of 2009. Missing the start of the 2010 season, Woods is due to return to competition for the 2010 Masters Tournament in Augusta, Georgia, starting on April 8, 2010, after a break lasting 20 weeks.
-this is my hero in sport..why i like tiger woods?? bcoz i have influence from my dad..hehehe..since i young i always watching golf n i also follow my father to play golf..so now i wants share about tiger woods... for me he is the talented players in golf..i know he is not hensem like other people but the professional in golf make me fall in luv with tiger woods..huahua...-
GEnERaL caRe oF yOUr CAt

All pets need a safe environment. They need a place that is free from hazards. Obvious things are not leaving household cleaners around, not having poisonous plants and not leaving windows open where cats could climb into danger. They need somewhere quiet and comfortable to sleep.
Cats sleep from many hours a day, and they often feel safest when they are higher up. Whether they have cat bed or just a box with a blanket in, they need somewhere to sleep where they feel safe. Cats are curious and will explore any open windows, so you should avoid leaving any open that could cause the cat harm. Such as those higher up, or where they may get onto a window sill and be unable to jump down safely.
Cats should be fed in the same place, and should always have fresh water available. You should always ensure they are fed balanced nutritious diet, and take advice from your vet if you have any concerns. Kittens, older cats and those that are pregnant may require a special diet.
They are by nature clean animals, and need free access to an appropriate toilet area. If they have an indoor litter tray then you need to ensure this is clean. If cats go outside then you should ensure they have an appropriate place. Neighbourhood disputes often happen if your cat uses a neighbour’s garden. By having a well dug flowerbed in your own garden should use this. By digging this over regularly, you keep the area clean and this will encourage the cats to stick to this area.
Your cats should always have lots of room. They need exercise and will run around, jump and climb. They also need somewhere to scratch. They may choose a tree outside or a fence post. Or they may choose your sofa. You can buy scratching posts, or make your own using a strong cardboard tube, and fixing carpet round it, and then putting a base on. It should be tall enough for the cat to stretch fully. If cats have nowhere to scratch then they will pick your furniture or walls.
If cats don’t go outside, they will need lots of space indoors as well as toys to keep them occupied. You can either buy toys or make your own. Cats love string, but you shouldn’t leave them unattended playing with string as they could get tangled up. Scrunched up balls of paper will keep the cat busy for hours. By spending time with them, and playing with them they will be friendly happy cats.
Cats are quite happy to be left all day, as long as they have food and water and access to their toilet area. You should always have someone check on them if you’re going away from more than a day. A water dish knocked over would mean the Had no water all day, along hot day this could be a disaster to the cat. Sitters are available, or you could take your cat to the cattery when you go on holiday.
- i want to share this articles to all my frendz because i really2 care about pets especially cats.. cats is like a human..it needs a sefety place,food and environtment..i also very2 sad when i hear it about the cats that cannot have all the general care..so in this articles i would like to all my frends to care about pets-
Sunday, March 14, 2010

- Diets rich in milk and milk products help build and maintain bone mass throughout the lifecycle. This may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
- The intake of milk products is especially important to bone health during childhood and adolescence, when bone mass is being built.
- Diets that include milk products tend to have a higher overall nutritional quality.
- Calcium is used for building bones and teeth and in maintaining bone mass. Milk products are the primary source of calcium in American diets. Diets that provide 3 cups or the equivalent of milk products per day can improve bone mass.
- Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure. Milk products, especially yogurt and fluid milk, provide potassium.
- Vitamin D functions in the body to maintain proper levels of calcium and phosphorous, thereby helping to build and maintain bones. Milk that is fortified with vitamin D is a good source of this nutrient. Other sources include vitamin D-fortified yogurt and vitamin D-fortified ready-to-eat breakfast cereals.
- Milk products that are consumed in their low-fat or fat-free forms provide little or no solid fat.